Source code for sfsimodels.models.abstract_models

from collections import OrderedDict
import copy
# from sfsimodels.loader import add_inputs_to_object
import types
from sfsimodels.exceptions import ModelError
from sfsimodels import functions as sf
import uuid

[docs]class PhysicalObject(object): _counter = 0 type = "physical_object" _unique_hash = None # inputs = () skip_list = () def __iter__(self): # real signature unknown return self # def __init__(self, **kwargs): # # super(PhysicalObject, self).__init__() # print("Initialised") @property def attributes(self): all_attributes = [] for item in self.__dir__(): if item in ["deepcopy", "set", "to_dict"]: continue if isinstance(item, types.MethodType): continue if "_" != item[0]: all_attributes.append(item) all_attributes.sort() return all_attributes def __next__(self): self._counter += 1 all_attributes = self.attributes if self._counter == len(all_attributes): raise StopIteration return all_attributes[self._counter]
[docs] def set(self, values): """ Set the object parameters using a dictionary """ if hasattr(self, "inputs"): for item in self.inputs: if hasattr(self, item): setattr(self, item, values[item])
[docs] def deepcopy(self): """ Make a clone of the object """ return copy.deepcopy(self)
@property def ancestor_types(self): return ["physical_object"]
[docs] def add_from_same(self, obj, inputs_from="obj", update_inputs=True): if not hasattr(self, "inputs"): raise ModelError("self does not contain attribute: 'inputs'") if inputs_from == "obj": if hasattr(obj, "inputs"): inputs_list = obj.inputs else: raise ModelError("obj does not contain attribute: 'inputs'") else: inputs_list = self.inputs for item in inputs_list: if hasattr(obj, item): setattr(self, item, getattr(obj, item)) if update_inputs and item not in self.inputs: self.inputs.append(item)
[docs] def to_dict(self, extra=(), **kwargs): outputs = OrderedDict() export_none = kwargs.get("export_none", True) if hasattr(self, "inputs"): full_inputs = list(self.inputs) + list(extra) else: full_inputs = list(extra) for item in full_inputs: if item not in self.skip_list: value = self.__getattribute__(item) if not export_none and value is None: continue outputs[item] = sf.collect_serial_value(value) return outputs
@property def unique_hash(self): if self._unique_hash is None: self._unique_hash = uuid.uuid1() return self._unique_hash
[docs]class CustomObject(PhysicalObject): """ An object to describe structures. """ _id = None name = None base_type = "custom_object" type = "custom_object" def __init__(self): self.inputs = [ "id", "name", "base_type", "type" ] @property def id(self): """ Object id :return: """ return self._id @id.setter def id(self, value): self._id = value @property def ancestor_types(self): return ["custom"]