Source code for sfsimodels.output

import numpy as np

[docs]def output_to_table(obj, olist='inputs', oformat='latex', table_ends=False, prefix=""): """ Compile the properties to a table. :param olist: list, Names of the parameters to be in the output table :param oformat: str, The type of table to be output :param table_ends: bool, Add ends to the table :param prefix: str, A string to be added to the start of each parameter name :return: para, str, table as a string """ para = "" property_list = [] if olist == 'inputs': property_list = obj.inputs elif olist == 'all': for item in obj.__dict__: if "_" != item[0]: property_list.append(item) for item in property_list: if hasattr(obj, item): value = getattr(obj, item) value_str = format_value(value) if oformat == "latex": delimeter = " & " else: delimeter = "," para += "{0}{1}{2}\\\\\n".format(prefix + format_name(item), delimeter, value_str) if table_ends: para = add_table_ends(para, oformat) return para
[docs]def format_name(name): """ format parameter names for output :param name: Cleans a name for output :return: """ name = name.replace("_", " ") return name
[docs]def format_value(value, sf=3): """ convert a parameter value into a formatted string with certain significant figures :param value: the value to be formatted :param sf: number of significant figures :return: str """ if isinstance(value, str): return value elif isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, np.ndarray): value = list(value) for i in range(len(value)): vv = format_value(value[i]) value[i] = vv return "[" + ", ".join(value) + "]" elif value is None: return "N/A" else: fmt_str = "{0:.%ig}" % sf return fmt_str.format(value)
[docs]def add_table_ends(para, oformat='latex', caption="caption-text", label="table"): """ Adds the latex table ends :param para: :param oformat: :param caption: :param label: :return: """ fpara = "" if oformat == 'latex': fpara += "\\begin{table}[H]\n" fpara += "\\centering\n" fpara += "\\begin{tabular}{cc}\n" fpara += "\\toprule\n" fpara += "Parameter & Value \\\\\n" fpara += "\\midrule\n" fpara += para fpara += "\\bottomrule\n" fpara += "\\end{tabular}\n" fpara += "\\caption{%s \label{tab:%s}}\n" % (caption, label) fpara += "\\end{table}\n\n" return fpara
# if __name__ == '__main__': # avalue = np.array([[0, 0]]) # print(format_value(avalue))